Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thinking about blogging...

I could really see this as a huge opportunitiy for almost any class.

Here are some ideas...

  • blog class updates for students and parents alike to "keep up" with the class
  • blog notes (copy/paste) and assignments (upload/embed) for students to be able to keep up/catch up


  • blog assignments: this allows for a lack of "lost papers" as well as easily accessible information for all kinds of things: peer assessment and help, teacher grading, portfolio creation.
  • blog reflections on class/school: metacognition is so important and students learn much more through this process. Teachers and peers could also keep up with this information... or the student could set it as private.
  • create a flat classroom sort of project where students from different schools (perhaps even in different cities/states/countries) can help each other learn.

I'm just thinking that the networking/support network that we are building here as we learn about things that, for some of us, might be a bit scary is so beneficial... shouldn't students be able to have the same?

What ideas do you have for blogs in the classroom/education?

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